Hydration Needs for Runners
As a runner, you may already know the impact dehydration can have on your performance. Here's a few simple guidelines to follow to help assure you're getting the proper hydration you need for optimal performance.
Ultimate Guide to Healthy Snacking
Snacking can be a very healthy habit, however, mindless snacking can lead to unwanted weight gain. I’ve created this guide to provide you with the information you need to make healthy choices, along with a lengthy list of my top recommended snacks.
Are you getting enough potassium?
Just about every athlete I meet with for the first time has heard of electrolytes, however, very few know what they actually do and how to properly replace them. Potassium is an electrolyte that plays a crucial role in hydration, muscle contraction, and controlling blood pressure and heart rate.
Planning Ahead: The Key To Success
If there’s one “secret” I have to living a healthier lifestyle, it’s the importance of planning ahead. Have you ever heard the saying “if you fail to plan, plan to fail?” I can’t stress enough how true this statement is. Here are some tips to help you perfect the art of meal planning.
Top Food Choices for Runners
Whether you are new to running or an avid marathon runner, the foods you eat before, during, and after exercise are crucial to optimizing your performance and recovery. These are some of the top food choices I recommend for runners and endurance athletes.