The Weight Loss Trick You Need To Try
You feel like you’re consuming the right amount of food each day to lose weight. You feel like you don’t eat very much, sometimes you don’t even eat three full meals. You don’t understand why you’re not losing weight despite your hard efforts. What could you possibly be doing wrong? Mindless eating or mindless snacking could be your number one problem. Watch this video on the activity you need to try; all you need is a container!
Ultimate Guide to Healthy Snacking
Snacking can be a very healthy habit, however, mindless snacking can lead to unwanted weight gain. I’ve created this guide to provide you with the information you need to make healthy choices, along with a lengthy list of my top recommended snacks.
Rethink Your Drinks
You may have an idea of how many calories you're eating each day...but how many calories are you drinking? Liquid calories can add up may be surprised just how much these extra calories can impact your weight and health!
How to Achieve Weight Loss Success: (The 5 Simple Steps)
Two of my "biggest losing" weight loss clients have lost 92 pounds and 125 pounds (both now at their goal weights) in less than a year, just by carrying these five steps into their everyday lifestyle! It has nothing to do with taking fat burning, craving controlling, metabolism boosting supplements, or following restrictive fad diets. Here are the basic steps my clients have adapted as part of their daily lifestyle in order to see success in their weight goals.
Everything You Need To Know About - Bread
The problem is not bread itself, but the TYPE and AMOUNT of bread that can be harmful to health and lead to unwanted weight gain. Having a solid understanding of what bread is best can help you include it as part of a healthy diet. Here is everything you need to know about choosing the healthiest bread.
Planning Ahead: The Key To Success
If there’s one “secret” I have to living a healthier lifestyle, it’s the importance of planning ahead. Have you ever heard the saying “if you fail to plan, plan to fail?” I can’t stress enough how true this statement is. Here are some tips to help you perfect the art of meal planning.
Guide to Making Healthy Smoothies
A step-by-step guide on how to make healthy smoothies and shakes at home.