Nutrition Video Series: Fiber + Fiber-Fortified Foods

In today’s nutrition video, I’m talking about the health benefits of fiber, excellent sources, and why not all “fiber-rich” foods are created equal!

  • Fiber is proven to help reduce your risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, & obesity. It’s also beneficial for weight management & improving body composition.
  • While fiber is amazing for you, it won’t be amazing to have right before a workout. Avoid eating foods rich in fiber (esp. that are also rich in fats such as flax & chia) the hour leading up to a training session to avoid GI issues mid-workout.
  • Fiber is a prebiotic (food for probiotics!) that helps support growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. This in turn will help strengthen your immune system!
  • So what foods are rich in fiber? Fruit such as berries, pears, & apples, veggies such as broccoli & brussel sprouts, lentils, beans, chia seeds, flaxseed, and whole grains such as oats, quinoa & brown rice.
  • Not all fiber-rich foods are created equal. By that I mean, foods fortified with synthetic fibers (i.e. Quest bars, Fiber One products, and fiber-rich ice cream brands) won’t even come close to providing the same benefits as the foods I just listed. This is a company’s way of making unhealthy foods seem healthy – take a closer look at the ingredient list. Are there added sugars? Are there chemicals and/or artificial sweeteners? So…is this food really as healthy as the company is making it seem??
  • These synthetic fibers are often listed as either inulin (chicory root fiber) or isomalto-oligosaccharides to name a few.
  • A high-fiber brownie is still a’s just more likely to make you feel bloated and gassy after you eat it. Don’t get me wrong-if you truly enjoy the taste of these products, I’m not saying you can’t ever eat them again. I’m just putting them in the same category as I would all junk food because truly, that’s what they are. So consume in moderation, & if you are only eating the product because you believe it to be a nutritious option, and an excellent way to boost your daily fiber content, you’re being misled!

The below video is taken from my instagram, which you can follow here!


Nutrition Video Series: Turmeric


Nutrition Video Series: Should You Take A Pre-Workout?